Weekend Cookies

Weekend cookies!  I’ve been trying different cookies, bars and brownies each weekend and sending most of them with my husband to his work.  He claims it helps to get people to look forward to attending the many meetings that occur at his company.  I take some to my work too but we’re a much smaller company so we don’t have that many meetings or people.

It’s really great fun and gives me an opportunity to explore small scale baking.  I find baking these little treats to be quite fun and gratifying.  Of course, now people at hubby’s work expect him to bring treats.  They’re even making requests.  “I can’t eat chocolate.”  “Something more healthy.”  “More chocolate.”  Plus my husband announced that his favorite is shortbread.

So I decided to compromise.  I made some classic shortbread and then dipped half of them into dark chocolate.

That left the request for something healthier.  So I decided to make use of in season blueberries and make some mini-blueberry muffins.  They might have been in the oven a tiny bit too long but they taste quite yummy and have a nice crisp top.

There, now everyone can be happy..’cause blueberry muffins have fruit and fruit is healthy….right?

7 thoughts on “Weekend Cookies

  1. Your shortbread bars with the chocolate look perfect! And look at all of your success with everything yeast! I cannot bake good bread. I’m jealous! And homemade bagels??? You are too much!

    One more thing….did you take that beautiful photo that tops your blog? That is an amazing photo.


    • Thanks Heidi! I’m having a blast doing all this cooking and baking. I didn’t take the photo at the top of my blog…it came with one of the WordPress themes. I love the photo too…I’ve been considering changing it by I like it so much!

      Keep posting your wonderful recipes!

  2. Shortbread cookies dipped in chocolate sounds heavenly. 🙂 I haven’t made cookies in a long, long time. I think I should bake some up sometime soon… 🙂

  3. Please post your recipe for shortbread cookies. Thanks. I found your blog via KAF. Great blog!!!!

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